Friday, May 1, 2015

How Costa Rica Will Change You for the Better

Hand Crafted Stools
Every time I travel, it as an opportunity for me to learn and grow as a person. This winter, I had the opportunity to spend a few extra days in Costa Rica with my host before embarking on this life changing trip with my classmates. Despite having volunteered at the Thai Craft Organization (promotes fair trade and local artisans’ products) while in high school and stayed at sustainable lodges in Northern Thailand, Costa Rica has enriched me with ways on how to be sustainable. 

Going into Costa Rica I was aware of sustainability, but coming out of Costa Rica, I have become a sustainability ambassador. Now, when I go grocery shopping, I would buy organic local products and fair trade products at Whole Foods or at the Pawtucket Farmers’ Market. When in the dorms, I would turn off lights when I leave the room, recycle water bottles and paper. I shared my experiences with my friends and family, letting them know how they can be sustainable. It was especially interesting to my father about how businesses in Costa Rica have sustainable practices engrained within their day to day operations. 

Sun Dried Coffee Beans in Dota
I have learned that it does not require a dramatic change in our lifestyles to be sustainable. We just need to be more aware of what sustainability is and what constitutes for us to be sustainable within our community. As a consumer, we should read the product labels to check if they promote fair trade and if the manufacturer gives back to the community.     
After the trip, I realized how much power we as tourists have in leaving an impact on local economies and the environment. The notion of sustainable ecotourism to tourists means pricier and not as luxurious of a trip. However, having stayed in sustainable hotels and visited sustainable coffee plantations, the quality of the trip was just as good or even better since we made a positive contribution to the local economies in Costa Rica and not leave behind as much carbon footprints as we might had since we stayed in “green” hotels and carbon neutral coffee plantations.

Adventurous White Water Rafting 

The memories and experiences I had on this trip will be something I will take away with me as I graduate from Bryant University. To learn more about sustainability, follow us on Twitter and our blog. Pura Vida!

Written by Eaindra Aung

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